Circuit Clerk / Absentee Election Manager

Welcome to the Master County Circuit Clerk web page! Here you will find information about our office and descriptions of our duties, plus our office address, telephone numbers, and email address.  Please feel free to contact us if we can be of service to you.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Circuit Clerk serves as Clerk of the County and Circuit Courts, receives and files all lawsuits, indictments, motions and other related papers in all Civil and Criminal Cases filed in the Circuit or County Courts and issues all process including summons and subpoenas, draws jurors and qualifies juries, keeps a record of all judgments and executions, issues marriage licenses and keeps records of marriages, records medical and other professional licenses, and registers citizens to vote and has other duties in handling elections.

The Circuit Clerk also holds the position of Absentee Election Manager. The Absentee Election Manager's duties include receiving and processing applications for absentee ballots, maintain lists of absentee voter applications, delivery and receipt of absentee ballots and counting of absentee votes.For more absentee voter information please click here.  Absentee Voter Applications can be found on the Forms page. ***IF ABSENTTE ELECTION MGR IS DIFFERENT PERSON THAN CIRCUIT CLERK - ADD NEW BASIC PAGE***

Jane Doe - Go to - or  pdf in file
Circuit Clerk/Absentee Election Manager 
123 Main Street
Anytown, AL 35000
Phone: 205-123-4567
Fax: 205-123-4567

Click here for forms.